
2024 Conference on Land Use Change and Water Systems

Interdisciplinary approaches connecting Social and Natural Sciences
19 June 2024
Montpellier, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Sud, France
Abstract submission deadline: 15. March 2024 <=> Conference Information
Over the last decades, land use and land management change – urbanization, development of intensive agriculture, land abandonment, reclaiming of wetlands and floodplains… – have exerted significant influences on water systems and the broader environment and society. Recently, practitioners and academics are actively exploring innovative land use strategies, with a stronger reliance on natural processes. Their goal is to foster a more integrated management of water capable of addressing on-going global changes.

Supporting decision makers in the design of these strategies requires the use of interdisciplinary approaches, encompassing inter allia : i) the understanding of relationships between land use dynamics and water systems (surface and groundwater), ii) the description of social representations and perceptions surrounding these changes and iii) the assessment of economic, social and environmental impacts stemming from historical changes and prospective scenarios.

This scientific conference endeavours to showcase interdisciplinary contributions that integrate natural and social sciences and cover these different approaches. The objective is to provide valuable insights supporting the development of sustainable land management strategies.

This conference is organized by BRGM in the framework of the ABRESO project of the Belmont Forum and co-organized by the Groundwater team of the G-eau lab of Montpellier.

Conference information

The conference will take place at Montpellier, France (Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 71 rue du Professeur Henri Serre) on 19 June 2024 from 9 am to 5 pm. Participation in the conference is free, but upon registration and subject to availability. Participants will be responsible for covering transportation and accommodation expenses.

Abstract submission:

500 words in all, they must include a title, names and affiliations of the authors, the research context, the case study(ies), research questions, methods, and results, as well as three keywords. Abstracts must be sent in English before March 15, 2024 to the following e-mail address:

Scientific committee:

Philippe Le Coent (BRGM, France), Cécile Hérivaux (BRGM, France), Timothy White (Penn State University, US), Janet Swim (Penn State University, US), Bill Mc Dowell (University of New Hampshire, US), Jr-Chuan Huang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan), Herlin Chien (National Taiwan University, Taiwan), Osamu Saito (Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan) Lisa Sella (CNR-Italy), Maddalena Pennisi (CNR-Italy), Ilaria Baneschi (CNR-Italy), Yuichi Onda (University of Tsukuba, Japan), Adam Wymore (University of New Hampshire).

BRGM logo
G-Eau logo
Over the last decades, land use and land management change – urbanization, development of intensive agriculture, land abandonment, reclaiming of wetlands and floodplains… – have exerted significant influences on water systems and the broader environment and society. Recently, practitioners and academics are actively exploring innovative land use strategies, with a stronger reliance on natural processes. Their goal is to foster a more integrated management of water capable of addressing on-going global changes.
Supporting decision makers in the design of these strategies requires the use of interdisciplinary approaches, encompassing inter allia :

  • the understanding of relationships between land use dynamics and water systems (surface and groundwater),
  • the description of social representations and perceptions surrounding these changes and
  • the assessment of economic, social and environmental impacts stemming from historical changes and prospective scenarios.
Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de Montpellier
This scientific conference endeavours to showcase interdisciplinary contributions that integrate natural and social sciences and cover these different approaches. The objective is to provide valuable insights supporting the development of sustainable land management strategies.

The conference will cover three main themes:

Theme 1: Characterization of land use, water use and water resources through remote sensing, observation and citizen science

Theme 2: Representation and modelling of  the complex interactions between land, water and social systems

Theme 3: Interdisciplinary assessment of economic, social and environmental impacts stemming from land use change and related policies

This conference is organized by BRGM in the framework of the ABRESO project of the Belmont Forum and co-organized by the Groundwater team of the G-eau lab of Montpellier.

Conference information

The conference will take place at Montpellier, France on 19 June 2024 from 8.30 am to 5 pm. Participation is free but subject to registration and availability of space.

Register here
before 31 May 2024



Maison des Sciences de l’Homme- MSH Sud
71 rue du Professeur Henri Serre

The conference will take place in the Auditorium room – STC2-001. Access will be indicated on site.


  • From the Airport: Bus shuttle until Place de l’Europe and Tramway line 1 – direction Mosson – Stop: Place Albert 1er Saint Charles
  • From the train station : Tramway line 1 – direction Mosson – Stop: Place Albert 1er Saint Charles
  • By car : possible parking at Parking Indigo Peyrou Pitot 7 Rue du Carr édu Roi, 34000 Montpellier


Coffee breaks and lunch will be offered during the conference.

Tentative program
8:30 - 8:45Registration
8:45 - 9:00Opening remarksTimothy White (Penn State University, USA) and Philippe Le Coent (BRGM, France)
Theme 1: Characterization of land use, water use
and water resources through remote sensing, observation and citizen science
Exploring socio-ecological change at multiple temporal scales in the Bas-Ogouée Ramsar Site, Gabon.Christophe Demichelis (IRD et Université de Mayotte, France)
9:00 - 10:30"Socio-piezometric" campaigns: interdisciplinary groundwater measurements in the Upper Mekong Delta, CambodiaRomain Valadaud (IRD, France)
Trends in Land and Water Usage from 2000 to 2023: Observations from the Tensift Basin, MoroccoIkram El Hazdour (Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco and Paul Sabatier University, France)
10:30 - 10:45Coffee Break
10:45 - 11:15LTSER Feitsui: Applying Socioecological Approach to setup Long-term Research Platform for SustainabilityJr-Chuan (River) Huang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Theme 2 : Representation and modelling of the complex interactions between land, water and social systems
11:15 - 12:15Path flow of water, use of circular economy principle on water resources and biodiversity management in a port area using eDPSIR and causal networkJeremy Solere (Port de Marseille, France)
Spatial and temporal interactions of land-use changes and water resources management in the Vietnamese Mekong DeltaThuy Ngan Le (Wageningen University, The Netherlands)
12:15 - 13:15Lunch Break
13:15 - 15:15Theme 3: Interdisciplinary assessment of economic, social and environmental impacts stemming from land use change and related policies
Groundwater nature-based solutions to enhance watershed resilience to global changesCécile Hérivaux (BRGM, France)
Urbanization and Wetland Biodiversity: Assessing land use changes and human perceptionsAbdallah Aouadi (Université Chadli Bendjedid d'El Tarf, Algeria)
Land use and management policies to protect water quality in Southeastern New Hampshire, USA.Janet Swim (Penn State University, USA), Adam Wymore (New Hampshire University, USA)
Should abandoned land be redeveloped? Contributions from an interdisciplinary approach between hydrogeology and economics.Philippe Le Coent (Brgm, France)
15:15 - 15:30Coffee Break
15:30 - 16:30Pasture-forest transition in the Italian Alps: An interdisciplinary approach to uncover social and natural implicationsAndrea Scartazza, CNR-IRET (Italy)
Forest and water resources management under changing social and environmental conditions in JapanGomi Takashi (University of Nagoya, Japan)
16:30 - 17:00Lessons learned and way forward